That'll Be Four Bucks Baby You Want Fries With That
"Betty has gone too far. Killing is wrong. And bad. In that location should be a new, stronger word for killing. Like...badwrong. Or...badong. Yes. Killing is badong. From this moment, I volition stand for the reverse of killing: Gnodab."
An evil homo kills an entire family to go at a baby that is destined to become the Chosen One. The baby escapes, grows upwards in the wild, fights off attackers by ripping their apparel into shred-bikinis, joins a school of martial artists who loudly admit that they wear push button-up bras, eventually meets the evil homo — who, in the intervening years, has changed his name to Betty — and subsequently fights a moo-cow. He is as well the Chosen Ane because his natural language has a face on it; its name is Tonguey.
Oh, and at that place are French aliens.
No, really.
A refreshing one-act that's stupid — but amusingly and then — Kung Pow! Enter The Fist is a 2002 film written and directed past lead player Steve Oedekerk. The moving-picture show uses footage from an obscure Jimmy Wang Yu kung-fu pic from 1976 chosen Tiger & Crane Fists, along with newly-shot and blue-screened footage (mainly to insert Oedekerk into the motion-picture show), to create a rather anarchic parody of kung-fu movies in full general. Virtually every line is insane — and very quotable; information technology was difficult choosing which ane to put upward at the top — and everyone'southward voice (save Whoa) is dubbed over past Oedekerk himself.
A sequel, Kung Pw two: Tongue of Fury, was due to follow; it'due south been in Development Hell for years, though. Word of God states that Oedekerk is (however) trying to detect the right Hong Kong movie(s) to lift scenes from.
Tropes used:
- Appreciating Parody: Of low budget Hong Kong Dub Kung-Fu films. The cheap special effects seen later are parodies of mockbusters.
- Agony of the Feet: The mayor's big toe is cut off by Betty to bring him in line, causing blood to eject out equally he walks. Later on, his whole foot has been cut off.
- Aluminum Christmas Trees:
- Some martial arts schools actually "trained" students they considered unworthy incorrectly on purpose, only like Wimp Lo.
- Sure forms of Chinese martial arts practise go to considerable lengths to toughen upwards the practitioner'southward skin, though not usually to the point of breaking a thermometer in their student's hands.
- Ambiguous Situation: Whether or not Whoa is actually Chosen I'southward mother.
- Ambiguously Bi: The Ventriloquists.
- Ambiguously Gay:
- Betty. A feared, skilled, powerful male person kung-fu primary and warlord decides to go nether the alias "Betty". So there's this line:
- Master Tang. He has "special needs" that seem to involve a Glove Snap, then he gets rather aroused while sensually rubbing Ling'due south begetter's mortal wound. There are also the chants that his students shout during their exercises:
- Anachronism Stew: Played for Laughs. Let Ling's dad know if you see a Radio Shack. Likewise the car, the boombox (playing hits like MC Hammer'southward "U Tin can't Touch This" and Sir Mix-a-Lot'due south "Infant Got Back"), the lighter, the Bowflex, the Hooters, the Taco Bell, the Neosporin, the cellphone, the thermometer, and the cans of Pringles. Mind you this all set in pre-industrial/pre-information age Imperial China.
- And That'due south Terrible: The Chosen 1'due south clarification of killing as "bad" and "wrong". Eventually terminal that "killing is badong!"
- Animal Reaction Shot:
- Dog gives a surprised noise when Ling takes her top off.
- When Betty is demonstrating his ability to take blows, Domestic dog's eyes are widened past CG.
- Animals Hate Him: Cows and Whales hate him at least. Rodents and small burrowing creatures really like him.
- Arc Words: The Called I is told at the beginning and finish of the picture show to "open your mouth!"
- Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: Wimp Lo, despite being laughably incompetent. Non like he thinks then; he just never realized he'd been trained the incorrect way.
Wimp Lo: Face-To-Human foot style, how'd ya like it?!
- Awesome McCoolname: Master Pain before he changes it to..."Betty"?
- Balls of Steel:
- This is one of Master Pain'southward/Betty's powers. The scene where Betty demonstrates said powers (where a guy strikes Betty/Pain directly in the crotch with a pole and he doesn't even flinch) was apparently the reason why Steve Oedekerk chose that particular moving picture to use.
- Wimp Lo apparently thinks he has this, considering his secondary style is Nuts-to-Your-Fist.
- And the Chosen One learns the hard way that, no, he does not accept this ability. At all. He might not fifty-fifty take assurance after the test run.
- One of the Hilarious Outtakes shows that Oedekerk himself doesn't take this ability, taking one imitation blow before mentioning that he really needs a cup.
- Big Bad: Betty is the main antagonist simply even he answers to the Evil Council.
- $.25 of Me Keep Passing Out: The Chosen One is subjected to The Paralyzer, and so flails his arms around wildly trying to defeat Betty.
- Black Spoken language: I private meeting Betty has with the Evil Quango shows the latter using undecipherable noises to communicate. This gets dropped completely once we know their true identity...
- Blade Run: Done past the baby Chosen One during the prologue.
- Boisterous Weakling: Wimp Lo was purposely trained incorrect. Every bit a joke. He is very smug virtually his "abilities."
- Breaking the 4th Wall:
- An suspension occurs midway through, where the characters tell the audience to get buy snacks, and Wimp Lo informs the audience of how much milk duds and his nipples look akin.
- Whoa is the just grapheme in the film itself aware of the fourth wall, breaking it repeatedly.
- Master Tang is the narrator and gives comments almost his own thinking in one scene.
- Brick Break: During his preparation montage, the Chosen One goes to dial a board, stops inches from it, then extends his index finger. The boards explode, sending the two men behind it flying.
- Bullet Time: Used during the cow fighting scene to parody The Matrix.
- Butt-Monkey: Wimp Lo is the bailiwick to almost all the misery in the movie. Master Tang says information technology's by blueprint.
Master Tang: I must apologize for Wimp Lo. He is an idiot. We purposely trained him wrong, as a joke.
- Calling Your Attacks:
- Wimp Lo'southward attacks.
Wimp Lo: Try "My nuts to your fist" way!
- Betty too shouts "Paralyzer!" and "Another Paralyzer!" when attacking The Called One.
- Wimp Lo'southward attacks.
- Captain Obvious: Before going into invokedthe Nut Vendor's store, the Called 1 passes by a group of playing children. The song they're singing?
Children: Nosotros're children! Nosotros're children!
- Also Wimp Lo: "My finger points."
- Catchphrase: Betty gets his shirt torn several times during the picture show.
Betty: Shirt! Ripper!
- Character as Himself: Tonguey is credited to "Escobar Tongue."
- Chekhov's Gun:
- Chosen One's power to communicate and work with small animals in combat. During the final fight with Betty, it turns out he had a squirrel in his tunic protecting him from Betty's fatal blows.
- The basics that the Chosen One buys tardily in the film plow out to be a ransom that he promised that squirrel in exchange for the protection.
- The Chosen One: The hero has No Name Given other than "Chosen One".
- The Chosen Wannabe: Wimp Lo whines that he isn't the chosen one.
- Clothing Impairment:
- Betty is the victim of this several times which leads to a Catchphrase: "Shirt! Ripper!"
- A mook in the kickoff of the movie has his clothing ripped into a frilly bikini. This causes Defeat by Modesty.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Everyone in the movie. Called Ane slightly less. Comes across clearly compared with Ling and her father.
- Cool Car: The classic blood-red convertible Chosen is seen driving during the post-opening credits montage is then cool that The Called One wears shades while driving it.
- Expletive Cutting Short: At that place is pretty much no blasphemous in the picture as The Called One's master hazard to is interrupted.
The Chosen One: I'm gonna count to three, and if I hear one more friggin' squeak, I'thousand gonna accept his shoes and shove 'em up his-
Southern-accented Asian man: [approaching from off screen] Chosen One, Master Pain's in town! - Cursed with Awesome: As the Chosen Ane, he is mentioned to constantly come under assault throughout his life, but since he'south endowed with extraordinary fighting abilities, that generally isn't much of a problem for him.
- Cute and Psycho: Ling is very much in honey with the Chosen One, merely is besides no stranger to pain him.
- Defeat by Modesty: Chosen shreds a male person attacker'southward clothes into a frilly bikini.
- Department of Back-up Department: Betty, well-nigh The Chosen One:
Betty: I'll impale him. I'll kill him dead. Like with, with a, stone or something. Similar a, like a stone...
- Diabolus ex Nihilo: Moon Yu, the cow. Outside of a vague warning from Whoa to avoid the meadow, this strong foe comes right out of nowhere.
- Dingy Onetime Man: Chief Tang is unfazed by Ling's "shyness", wonders where his glove will get, and gives his students some embarrassing mantras to shout while practicing.
- A Dog Named "Dog": The Chosen I's pet dog, Dog. Who is never in the aforementioned frame as The Chosen 1. E'er.
- Dying Declaration of Dear: Ling says this to the Called One, though she does survive.
- Enhanced on DVD: "The Chosen Edition" includes a plethora of special features:
- Multiple alternate audio tracks:
- A Creator Commentary
- The real audio track (for both the original Tiger & Crane Fists footage which is in Mandarin Chinese and the newly inserted footage)
- The "long-lost" volume-on-record version
- Several alternate dubs and extended takes of various scenes
- A deleted musical number which also includes the existent audio track, in which Steve sings his adulation of Sam Donaldson.
- The original arc later the Chosen One was captured, in which he was kept captive past an old man named Chew Fat Lip, given a tattoo indicating where his mouth is, earlier finally escaping using his invokedprehensile boner in a fight to the tune of "Willy Won't Become" was probably meliorate off cut, though. Some of this was repurposed for the trailer for the sequel at the end.
- Multiple alternate audio tracks:
- Everything's Meliorate with Cows: In one of the most preposterous scenes in the movie (which is telling a lot), the Called 1 fights a moo-cow that happens to know kung fu. To brand it even more ludicrous, said cow comes completely out of nowhere, is never alluded to before hero ecounters it and — surprisingly — turns out to be one of the toughest opponents the Called Ane faces, very nearly defeating him until he decides to exploit its Weaksauce Weakness.
- Evil Laugh: Moo Nieu the cow lets out 1 after (temporarily) overpowering the Chosen One.
- Evil Sounds Deep:
- The masked adversary that Called One confronts early in the film has a deep, booming voice.
Masked Man: Open up... YOUR... MOUTH!!!!
- Averted the remainder of the film, Wimp Lo and Betty both have nasally, high-pitched voices.
- The masked adversary that Called One confronts early in the film has a deep, booming voice.
- Excited Show Title!: It'south Kung Pw! Enter the Fist.
- Fake-Out Opening: The first minute of the movie is serious in execution, complete with the murder of Chosen One'southward family... and then Master Pain speaks, and the residual of the motion-picture show is ridiculously light-headed.
- Fanservice Extra: In that location's a random bikini girl amidst the grouping of martial artists who are trying to kill The Chosen One at the starting time of the film.
- Far East: At that place'southward more than a few Japanese accoutrements to this Chinese movie - Mushufasa has a pair of katanas, and the Called I fights a guy in a kendo arrange early on. In a smaller example, while Kung Prisoner of war is based on a Hong Kong motion picture (and so the original linguistic communication was Cantonese), the Chosen 1's family speak Mandarin in the offset scene.
- Fighting with Chucks: When the Chosen One encounters some nunchuck wielding mooks in the initial fight he calls upon his wood creature friends for help.
The Chosen One: I need Gopher Chucks!
- Filling the Silence: Parodied, when a relatively wordless fight scene betwixt the main villain and 2 random guys in the original pic is turned into a more than talkative fight between Betty and a pair of ventriloquists.
- Concluding Boss Preview: The Chosen One has two skirmishes with Betty prior to the final duel. The second 1 is considerably more brutal and unequal.
- Fluffy the Terrible: Master Hurting renames himself "Betty" partway through the movie. This does not diminish his ability.
- Foreshadowing: One of the Council'due south flying pyramids appears in the sky halfway through the movie.
- Funny Bruce Lee Noises: The Chosen One is prone to making a lot of noises while performing moves. At 1 point he holds i dissonance for and so long he ruptures an artery.
- Futuristic Pyramid: The Council have a fleet of pyramid-shaped spaceships.
- Gag Boobs: Whoa has a unmarried, large breast that covers the middle of her breast. Her acme is even so cutting to show information technology off. The Chosen One is distracted by this.
- Gag Dub: The unabridged premise of this pic.
- Gag Penis: A deleted scene (which the MPAA demanded be cut for a PG-13 rating) involves Chosen I fighting off a captor and his guards with his (fully clothed) erection, due to his easily withal being tied. The fight is set to the vocal "Picayune Willy Won't Go Home" by Sweet.
- Gender-Blender Name: Master Pain (a homo) declares that his new name is "Betty" partway through the pic. The Called One Lampshades information technology:
Main Pain: From this solar day forward, you will all refer to me by the proper name 'Betty'. Ennnh, heh heheheh!
The Chosen I: Just! Isn't Betty a woman's name?
["Betty" whips off his jacket, clearly annoyed at the Chosen One]
Mayor: Like shooting fish in a barrel, like shooting fish in a barrel! We don't want to lose any more toes here! - Glove Snap: Happening off-screen in i scene.
Main Tang: Eeny meeny miney moe, I wonder where my glove will go...
Wimp Lo: [winces] - Go for the Eye: Early in the film, Chosen Ane picks out the eyes of v adversaries.
- Greater-Scope Villain: The Evil Council has a very vague plan, has a lot of firepower they tin can bring to bear and are clearly Betty's boss.
- Groin Attack:
- One of Betty'south special abilities allows him to resist shots to the groin. The Chosen One tries to see if he possesses this ability merely to play the trope straight...
- In the credits, nosotros see an outtake of this scene.
Steve Oedekerk: Oooooh! OK, I'm gonna need a cup.
- According to the DVD commentary, this scene from Tiger & Crane Fists is what led to it existence picked.
- Taken upwardly to eleven in a deleted scene from the final fight, where the Chosen Ane unleashes a barrage of kicks, punches, and headbutts upon Betty's naughty bits, to admittedly no effect.
- One of the deleted scenes features an attack with a groin as the Called One escapes from a torturer past chirapsia him and his guards up with his... well... y'know.
- Harmful to Minors: Chief Hurting and his minions take no qualms of trying to assassinate the Chosen One as a child, even resorting to burning down his parents' abode with him in it when the baby puts upwards a resistance.
- Heroic BSoD: Chosen One'due south disability to find a way to remove the metallic spikes protecting Betty'south weak points causes him to throw a major hissy fit.
Chosen One: DON'T Wait AT ME!
- He Who Must Not Be Seen: The Evil Council, although their army tin can be seen in the "sequel" teaser, and they were planned to have been shown during the final boxing.
- Hilarious Outtakes: There are the traditional outtakes over the end credits just the DVD also has many worthwhile alternate tracks and deleted scenes.
- Hong Kong Dub: Parodied. At one point, Domestic dog barks and lays down, at which point nosotros hear the sound.
- I Know Kung-Faux: Wimp Lo thinks that being striking demonstrates proper technique of certain styles.
Wimp Lo: "Face-to-Foot manner", how'd ya similar it?
Wimp Lo: How virtually we try "My-basics-to-Your-Fist?"
- Imperial China: This is ostensibly the setting of the moving-picture show only there are Japanese references, modern American stores, French aliens and modern engineering that it may likewise not matter.
- Improbable Weapon User: The Chosen One can use a pair of gophers biting a slice of fabric as a set up of improvised nunchucks leading to the infamous "Gopher Chucks".
- Inescapable Internet: Spoofed. The hero is trapped in a net that isn't fifty-fifty big enough to cover his caput.
Betty: Yessss, the tiny net is a decease sentence. It'S A Net AND IT'S TINY!
- Instant Chucks: Need chucks? Become some friendly gophers to seize with teeth on a piece of ripped shirt and you lot are good to go!
- Intermission: Yeah, in that location's one here, despite that it's only an 81-minute movie. Of course, the intermission is just nigh xv seconds long.
- This (and Called One'southward backwards escape from the tiny internet afterwards) was a terminal infinitesimal replacement for a scene that had to be cutting in gild to keep the film's PG-13 rating. That scene had Chosen One beingness captured and tortured, just to escape by fighting off his captor with his erect (but yet clothed) penis.
- Intimidation Sit-in: Various times, such as the "gopher-chucks" scene where The Chosen One is scaring off his opponents by twirling his gopher-chucks, much similar someone would show off normal nunchucks.
- It's Been Done: The "This is CNN" joke was already done in the Simpsons episode "Round Springfield".
- Just a Stupid Accent: There are many accents and voices used in the movie. Very few of them are Chinese accents, if any.
- Boot Chick: Dairy cows are female, and a good bulk of the cow's moves are kicks.
- Killed Off for Real: Wimp Lo. Played for laughs when it turns out everyone else was Not Quite Dead.
Chosen One: Hey, if you're all alive, then surely Wimp Lo... Wimp!
[Chosen One runs over to Wimp's off-screen body, only to hear flies buzzing effectually]
Chosen One: ...Oh. [slowly backs away] - Kung-Foley: There are lots of smack and flip sound effects during the fights. Even but waving one's arm tin produce a "woosh".
- Left the Background Music On: It gets to the point where Betty asks for background music to fight to.
- Lemony Narrator:
- Master Tang provides running commentary on the film.
Master Tang: At that moment, the Chosen One learned a valuable lesson about atomic number 26 claws... THEY Hurt LIKE CRAP, MAN!
- Chief Tang uses the narration to express one line of in-character thought:
Master Tang: OK, so here were my options - A.) Quickly duck sideways, contrivance the claw, then take him out with a spinning back kick, or B.) Take the hook in the confront, so roll on the basis and die. [gain to take claw to the face up] Hmm, should've gone with A.
- Master Tang provides running commentary on the film.
- Lip Lock:
- Near always ignored for sense of humor, except when it is occasionally followed... for humor. Example:
Betty: People say that I do things that are not... [interruption] right-to-do.
- And in the climax, complete with a close-up on his mouth:
Called One: And I don't like that kind of thing. notation The but difference is he'd originally said "sort" instead of "kind"
- Attention is drawn to this quite ofttimes. Example: Oedekerk's character looks to be shouting something with a lot of emotion and the camera zooms in on his face, simply yous hear him say, in a less-than-excited vocalisation, "I implore you to reconsider."
The words Oedekerk is actually yelling: " I'Yard SOMEBODY'S MOMMY!! ". Oedekerk had his cast read an entirely different script while filming new material, so the lip sync, or lack thereof, would match the 1970s material.
- Parodied with Ling, whose line always end before her lips end moving, so she ends almost lines with "wee-ohh, wee-ohh" noises.
- And of course, Dog.
- As well parodied with the ventriloquists, who never open their mouths.
- Near always ignored for sense of humor, except when it is occasionally followed... for humor. Example:
- Long-Lasting Terminal Words: Master Tang seemingly dies a few times during his dying last words. He lampshades this maxim someone is not expressionless only because the say "aughhcchc" and lolls his head to the side like he died before resuming.
- Made of Bologna: The Chosen One punches a mook in his torso then hard that a circular chunk comes out the other side. This is lampshaded by the narrator.
Main Tang: I hateful, th-that doesn't even seem possible, when you recall near it, with trunk organs, and cartilage, and bones... I hateful, I'm no doc, but it was like 1 clean chunk!
- Made of Plasticine: The above mentioned "stomach plug" mook the Chosen One punches. Nobody else in the movie falls victim to this.
- Principal of the Mixed Bulletin: Ling is very indecisive nigh how much she loves the Chosen One. Even though she repeatedly flashes her breasts to him, she doesn't desire him to call up she's a slut.
- Mentor Archetype: An eccentric, comedic example with Chief Tang.
- Mighty Whitey: The Called 1 is a white man despite having two Asian parents.
- Moses in the Bulrushes: Subverted. The first woman who finds the Chosen One as a baby lying on the side of the mount he'due south rolled half-way downwardly stops, picks him upwards, and coos "So cute..." before bidding him goodbye as she lobs him to roll down the other one-half of the mountain. He is eventually found, and raised by "various rodents".
- Multiboobage: Inverted with Whoa having one puppet in the middle of her chest.
- Murderous Thighs: An utterly ludicrous example occurs when Moo Nieu the moo-cow, during battle with the Called One, locks his head in a concur with its hind legs and whacks him in the face with its tail while he'due south immobilized.
- Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Inverted when Master Pain changes his name to Betty.
- Nested Mouths: The sign of the Called 1 is that he has a cartoon confront on his tongue.
- Neutral Female person: See Fanservice Extra above. She contributes admittedly nothing to the mob scene early on.
- Nice Chore Fixing Information technology, Villain: Master Pain/Betty falls into this when he tries and fails to kill the child destined to defeat him and kills his entire family instead.
- Nobody Hither only Us Birds: An ambush party makes bird noises to communicate while stalking Master Tang. Betty doesn't quite do it right, not that it hurts him.
Betty: Nng, I'grand just a birdie likewise...
- Not Quite Dead: A whole sequence is defended to evidently killing off Master Tang, Ling, and the Dog, just it turns that they were all only slightly injured:
The Chosen One: Oh, Chief! Yous're alive!
Master Tang: I but did this: HGGGGGNN!
[Tang drops his head on the ground equally if he's expressionless]
Principal Tang: That doesn't mean a person is expressionless! - No Indoor Vocalism: The peanut vendor is just so excited about selling nuts.
Peanut vendor: THAT'S A LOT OF NUTS!
Peanut vendor: THAT'LL Be FOUR BUCKS Baby, YOU WANT Fries WITH THAT?!
Peanut vendor (on a cellphone): HE Merely LEFT... WITH Nuts!
- Obviously Evil: "The Evil Council" is upwardly to evil. Obviously.
- Offscreen Inertia: A hawk is eating Chief Tang. Fade to black.
Master Tang: Hey, simply because you fade to black doesn't hateful he stopped. He'southward still eating me! I promise!
- The Omniscient Council of Vagueness: Attempts to acquire of The Evil Council'due south plan are futile
Betty: Nnnng... Yes, the Council!
Mayor: Master Betty, might I inquire: What is the Evil Council's programme?
Betty: Nnnng. It is EVIL! Mnyah! Information technology is so EVIL! Information technology is a bad, bad plan...that will hurt many...people...that are good. I call back information technology's great 'cause information technology'south so bad!
Mayor: I meet. I recollect... - Overly Long Gag:
- A scene near the commencement is around two minutes of Whip-Zooms accompanied by dramatic musical stings and a parody of another kung fu film that Steve Oedekerk found while researching for this film.
- And also when Ling calls out to him afterward in the film.
Ling: Chosen One! (randomly quacks)
C.O.: [from far away] Ling?
Ling: Hurry!
C.O.: [running towards her] I'yard coming!
Ling: Chosen One!
C.O.: [now closer, still running towards her] I'm coming!
Ling: Called One!
C.O.: [suddenly far abroad again, still running towards her] I'm coming!
Ling: Chosen One!
C.O.: [now closer, still running towards her] I'thou coming! - Ling does this once while maintaining Lip Lock.
Ling: Chosen Ane, I want to help...but I...I...I... I...I...I...I...
- The Chosen One rolling downward the mountain as a babe.
- The Paralyzer: Betty's signature attack is the Trope Namer.
- Plot Hole: During the final boxing, in that location'due south no caption as to how Chief Betty loses his iron claws or what The Chosen One is holding at the starting time of the battle. In the original film, Jimmy Wang Yu'due south character uses fireworks fuse to burn down the cable that connects the claws. That part was left out of the film as a deleted scene and the fuse is what the Called One is really buying instead of basics in the earlier scene.
- Pocket Protector: The Chosen 1 is saved from Betty'due south mortiferous technique with...a squirrel. This is really like to what happened in the original film, only at that place the hero used a metallic plate.
- Portmanteau: The Chosen Ane has a hard fourth dimension expressing his anguish at the near decease of his friends.
The Chosen One: Killing is wrong. And bad. At that place should be a new, stronger word for killing. Like badwrong, or badong. Yes, killing is badong. From this moment, I will stand for the opposite of killing: gnodab.
- Product Placement:
- A couple of characters but call out brands by proper noun.
Chief Tang: Oh, Taco Bell, Taco Bell, product placement with Taco Bell!
Chief Tang: Ba na na na na, Neo! Ba na na na na na na, Sporin!
Ling's father: Tell me...if you come across...a Radio Shack.- If you look closely when during the scene in which Betty goes to fight Master Tang, during the zoom out you lot tin can meet people moving tables, and on the left side you tin clearly see a Hooters.
- When The Chosen 1 goes to buy nuts, there is a shelf of Pringles backside him.
- Dial! Punch! Dial! Uh Oh...: The Chosen One has a hard time fending off Moon Yu for a while, earlier figuring out that milking it into submission is more practical. He fares fifty-fifty worse against Betty afterwards.
- Raised by Wolves: The Chosen Ane was raised by "diverse rodents" after his family was killed and a passerby woman but fabricated sure he was rolled to the bottom of a ravine properly.
- Real Trailer, Fake Movie: Sadly, Kung Pow II: Natural language Of Fury will probably never happen. A lot of the shots used for it are taken from deleted scenes.
- The Rival: Wimp Lo would like to think and then but he is no friction match for the Chosen One because he was trained wrong. As a joke.
- Dominion of Cool: The Chosen I is able to do fifteen backflips in mid-air (even losing and regaining momentum doing it) earlier landing and is able to do push-ups without touching the footing past blowing the ground.
- Rule of Iii:
- To the point of reusing the same footage of Called One saying "Hmm?" three times.
Whoa: The supreme gift.
Chosen Ane: Hmm?
Whoa: You must trust the power of the tongue.
Called One: Hmm?
Whoa: But I must warn you...
Chosen I: Hmm? - Footage is used three times during Master Tang's opening scene of him brushing his arm past the camera. Consummate with "whoosh".
- The scene where Master Tang is talking about when he learns virtually the Chosen One has three short flashbacks.
- To the point of reusing the same footage of Called One saying "Hmm?" three times.
- Sabotutor: Primary Tang intentionally trained Wimp Lo wrong as a joke.
- Schizo Tech: Played for Laughs when Principal Pain uses a crack lighter to ignite the Chosen 1'south firm.
Master Pain: Mmmmm...lighter.
- Spiral This, I'm Outta Here!: Taken Up to Xi when the unabridged Evil Quango retreats, later on Called uses his tongue to destroy one of their ships.
- Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Principal Hurting/Betty falls into the classic trap of trying to impale the child destined to defeat him and only managing to impale his entire family instead, giving the child a motive to kill him which he wouldn't otherwise accept had.
- Sequel Snark: It spends a practiced deal of time at the end of the motion picture showing a full trailer for the sequel, made upwards mostly of scenes deleted from the get-go moving picture. Naturally, no such movie exists, though an unrelated sequel is currently in invokedDevelopment Hell.
- Shirtless Scene: The Chosen One gratuitously rips off his shirt before his get-go fight of the movie.
- Shout-Out:
- To The King of beasts King in the course of Mushufasa, who calls the Chosen One "Simba" before finally settling on "Chosimba One".
- Mushufasa is as well a portmanteau of Mufasa from The Lion Male monarch and Mushu from Mulan.
- Ling sounds an atrocious lot similar Miss Piggy.
- Master Pain: "ORSON!". Minions: "Your Welles."
- Sissy Villain:
- Played straight and inverted. Wimp Lo has a very loftier vocalism and is indeed wimpy, but Betty is pretty manly despite the loftier, nasally voice, name, and the Chosen Ane has his own points of sissyness.
- Early on, he is assaulted by a large masculine homo who says "Your days are over, Mister" in a high-pitched lisp. The Chosen 1 shreds his apparel into a bikini, which causes him to wrap his arms around himself as if to protect his modesty and run off crying.
- Fume Out: Averted when the fume is too modest and conditions are too windy to hide the ninja.
- Spared by the Adaptation: Master Tang and the ventriloquists' counterparts died in Tiger & Crane Fists.
- Stealth Pun: The gopher-chucks - gophers are a smaller variant of woodchucks, therefore he was withal using "chucks", just a different type.
- The Stinger: No one actually recovered Master Tang after his "death" scene, and the crew just laugh equally a hawk arrives to eat him. Also, "Save the Whales".
- Stock Footage: The motion-picture show itself is pieced together from Tiger & Crane Fists, and there are numerous other instances in the movie, all done deliberately for laughs:
- Certain shots of babe Chosen One rolling downwardly the really tall mountain are recycled in that sequence.
- The introduction to Master Tang has footage of Tang swooping his arm in the air iii times.
- When Chosen One meets Whoa, footage of him saying "Hmm?" is used 3 times in quick succession.
- The footage of Betty swinging his chain at the waterfall is used a few times in the aforementioned scene.
- The footage of Chosen One running towards Ling in an open field ("Called One!" "I'm coming!") is recycled, parodying continuity errors.
- The footage of Chosen Ane coming beyond dying bodies of Tang, Ling, and Canis familiaris is recycled numerous times.
- The animorphically stretched stock footage of squirrels near the terminate of the moving picture.
- Stylistic Suck: The whole movie. To give the sense of bad dubbing, Steve Oedekerk wrote scripts that had nothing to do with the actual story and had everyone use them on set. So they were all later dubbed over by Steve, or Jennifer Tung in the case of "Whoa".
- Theme Music Power-Upward: Betty has a guy with a nail box playing "Can't Touch This" and "Babe Got Back". Besides when the Chosen Ane changes the music to "Black Betty"
Master Tang: Beware...his vocal...virtually large you upwards while he plays information technology!
- Took a Level in Badass: Probably non intentional, but Betty seems to take done this afterwards the intro. At the start of the picture show, the Called One delivers a beatdown on him... as a baby. The adjacent fourth dimension they disharmonism, many years subsequently, Betty returns the favor.
- Torso with a View: The stomach plug mook is punched through so cleanly that yous can see the groundwork and other mooks through the pigsty in his stomach.
- Translation: "Yes": Wimp Lo has a conversation like this with another student when the Called One shows up. This preserves Lip Lock.
Wimp Lo: Hey, who'south that guy?
Student: ______________________________________________________ I dunno. - Trivially Obvious: Mushufasa doesn't bring much information to lite when he reveals the symbols of the two competing factions.
Mushufasa: Behold the two, over hither...the other 1, over there.
- Unbuilt Trope: The movie itself plays out much like an Abridged Serial, years before Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series debuted.
- Vagueness Is Coming: Master Tang'due south friend told him of the Chosen 1's coming and that "Information technology would be meaning"...before he killed his canis familiaris by farting.
- Ventriloquism: Parodied with the two ventriloquists in their only scene as dialogue is spoken but their mouths are close.
"We are both ventriloquists, ventriloquists, ventriloquists. Nosotros are both ventriloquists and nosotros do everyday."
"He carries the baskets."
"He carries the paper gyre."
"And nosotros don't accept cysts, only there is one thing that's for sure, my friend, we are ventriloquists." - Verbal Tic: Developed to fill time when the characters are still talking on the film but have run out of dialogue. Somewhen leads to this exchange:
Betty: Nnnnnng...
Ling: Wee-ooh! Wee-ooh!
Betty: Nnnnnng...
Ling: Wee-ooh! Wee-ooh!
Betty: Nnnnnng...
Ling: WEE! [kicks random mook] OOH! [beats another ane] - Vocal Dissonance:
- Admit it: You were surprised the kickoff time you lot heard Main Pain, a sinister-looking martial creative person, speak in that high-pitched goofy voice.
Main Hurting: Open da mouth.
- 1 of the villagers, an Asian, speaks with a Southern drawl.
- Admit it: You were surprised the kickoff time you lot heard Main Pain, a sinister-looking martial creative person, speak in that high-pitched goofy voice.
- Villain Forgot to Level Grind: Averted. Primary Pain/Betty is defeated hands by the Chosen One equally a baby. When they run into as adults, Betty is the merely opponent Chosen One is unable to overpower. The narration makes it clear that Chosen has become much stronger in the time between.
- Voodoo Shark: Played for laughs with the "I am a corking magician" sequence. Steve Oedekerk wanted to edit two shorter dialogue scenes into one long scene, but found a major problem in that the mayor was wearing a black robe in one scene and a red in the other. And then he stuck in some dialogue regarding Betty's great magical powers, and had him alter the mayor'due south habiliment when needed.
- Walking the World: This is what The Chosen One is doing at the beginning of the flick.
Master Tang: And then on he walked...and sometimes, drove...and occasionally, partied with the desert creatures.
- The State of war Sequence:
- The Chosen 1 faces downward the army of the Evil the sequel.
- A smaller one that nosotros actually see occurs well-nigh the beginning with the Chosen 1 facing off a couple dozen mooks.
- Wimp Fight: Wimp Lo. Justified, as the dojo deliberately trained him wrong "as a joke". Which is, evidently, what some aboriginal martial arts schools actually did to those they felt were less than worthy.
- Would Hurt a Child: Betty attempts to kill the Called One as a infant. Unfortunately (for Betty), the infant already knows how to exercise some sick kung fu moves.
- Wrestler in All of Us: The Cow has a hateful piledriver.
- You Are Non Ready: Ling tries to warn The Chosen 1 from facing Betty also soon in an eloquent way.
Ling: You'll never make it. Never make it. Never brand information technology. Never arrive, never. Don't yous see yous can't brand it?
"Nosotros volition meet again, Called One. Many more times. In the sequel."
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