Do Unopposed Wisdom Teeth Continue to Grow and Do the Roots Continue to Grow

Are Your Wisdom Teeth Growing In?

According to The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, 85% of third molars will eventually need to be extracted. Symptoms of wisdom teeth growing in is different for everyone. For some patients, when wisdom teeth grow in they're into their mid-twenties and do not experience any symptoms.

Table of Contents

The Age When Wisdom Teeth Grow

eruption teeth chart

The initial tooth buds of third molars, or wisdom teeth, start to develop around ages 9-12. Teeth will form starting at the crown of the tooth and work their way down to the root. When wisdom teeth grow, you're usually around the ages 17-21 and start to feel symptoms of teething.

What to do With Wisdom Teeth Growing In

When wisdom teeth grow in, they'll slowly push through the jaw bone in the back of the mouth. During this time, you may feel pressure and pain in cycles that last around 7-10 days. If there's enough space in the mouth, the wisdom teeth growing in will then slowly push through the gums until fully erupted. This total process may take several months. Caring for a partially erupted tooth includes:

  • Brush the area gently at least two times a day to clean out food and bacteria.
  • Remove any food particles after eating to prevent gum inflammation. Use floss to help dislodge trapped food. Check out our article The Best Floss Alternatives to learn more.
  • Use a mouth rinse to flush any bacteria and dislodged food particles.
  • If the gum tissues become inflamed, clean out the area after eating and rinse with warm salt water multiple times throughout the day. Avoid chewing on that side until the gums calm down.

Soothe Pain When Wisdom Teeth Grow In

wisdom tooth symptoms

  • Oral Hygiene: Even if the wisdom tooth hasn't erupted, have a good oral hygiene routine to prevent gum tissue inflammation. Brush 2 times a day for 2 minutes and floss daily.
  • Soft Food Diet: During pain with wisdom teeth growing in, choose softer foods to eat. This will help relax the jaw muscles and prevent added pressure on the molars.
  • Hot and Cold Compresses:Applying heat will relax the jaw muscles. Using cold compresses will relieve pain and swelling. Apply for 10-20 minute increments as needed.
  • Pain Medications:If necessary, use over-the-counter NSAIDs like Ibuprofen to help with pain and inflammation. Always follow the recommended dosage and instructions on the bottle accordingly.

Dental Surgery When Wisdom Teeth Grow

If you have symptoms of wisdom teeth growing in, talk to your dental clinicians. When ready, your dental home will refer you to an oral surgeon.

  • Consult: During this appointment, the doctor will evaluate your mouth and x-rays. This is when your treatment plan will be explained and any questions will be answered.
  • Anesthesia:All dental surgeries will use anesthesia to prevent any pain. Most oral surgeons will use some level of sedation.
  • Dental Surgery:With the help of a dental assistant, the oral surgeon will skillfully extract all wisdom teeth and place stitches.
  • Follow-Up:Your oral surgeon may schedule a follow-up appointment around 1 week after surgery to remove traditional stitches. Dissolvable sutures are commonly used and do not require a follow-up appointment.
  • Recovery: After surgery, your immune system will be triggered to heal the extraction sites. Healing will take a few weeks and it will take a few months for the holes to fully close. Our After Wisdom Tooth Extraction Guide will help improve healing.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a wisdom tooth take to grow in?

Wisdom teeth can take years to fully erupt through the bone and gums. Third molars may never erupt depending on their position in the bone and if there's enough space in the mouth for them.

How can you tell if your wisdom teeth are growing in?

Signs and symptoms of wisdom teeth growing in are cycles of pain and pressure in the back of the mouth and pain radiating into the jaw bone. Inflammation in the gum tissue behind the second molar is also a sign of a tooth erupting.

What should you do when your wisdom teeth are coming in?

When wisdom teeth grow in, you should consult your dental clinicians if they need to be extracted. 10 million third molars are extracted annually in the United States. Proactive wisdom teeth surgery depends on if there's enough room in the mouth for the tooth to erupt naturally. Oral hygiene also plays a role since wisdom teeth have an increased cavity risk.

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